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Multiple Choice Quiz Generating Program
Version 4.0
By Dick Roux
25 Greenfield Dr.
Merrimack, NH 03054
(C) Copyright 1992
All Rights Reserved
This Shareware version is being distributed via the Share-
ware concept. You are encouraged to try the program out and
make unmodified copies for others who may be able to make use
of the program, but no fees may be charged other than a nomi-
nal copying fee.
If you would like to register the program, Please send
$25.00 plus $2.00 Shipping & Handling to the author at the
above address. Specify 5.25" or 3.5" disk.
Registered Owners will receive QUIZZER, the accompanying
exam program, and CONVERT, a utility to convert data files
used on earlier version 3.2 for use on this version and a
printed manual.
QUIZGEN.EXE is a Quiz Generating Program written for MSDOS
machines that will create a Randomly Selected Quiz from a da-
tabase of nearly an unlimited number of questions. The size
of databases kept is only limited by the available disk stor-
age. Different database files can be kept on different sub-
jects. The program allows you to view both the database and
the selected quiz and as well as printing out both the quiz
and answer key.
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It is highly recommended that QUIZGEN be operated on a
hard drive with several megabytes of free space to take ad-
vantage of the speed that will be realized over a floppy sys-
tem and the capability of storing database files that are
only limited by the storage capacity available. The program
will, however, operate on a floppy system being limited by
the storage of the disk.
Create an appropriate sub-directory on your hard drive to
hold all the files. then copy all the files on the distri-bu-
tion disk to the target sub-directory.
On a floppy system, make a copy of the distribution disk
that will be your working disk.
To run the program, log on to the sub-directory where
QUIZGEN resides or log onto the floppy where the program is
located and type QUIZGEN at the DOS prompt.
You will then get the welcome screen followed by:
1. Create a New Database
2. Add to Database
3. Select a Database
4. Edit/View Selected Database
5. Delete a Database from Disk
6. Create Randomly Selected Quiz
7. View Selected Quiz
8. Print Selected Quiz
9. Print Selected Quiz Answer Key
<Esc> Return to DOS
*** No Database Selected ***
Selecting # 1 will let you create a new Database. You will
be prompted for a filename to save it to disk (max. of 8
characters, no extension) and then returned to the Main Menu.
Type each question EXACTLY as you would like it to printed
out on paper. Unlike a word processor, the program does not
compensate for broken words at the end of a line. Don't hit
the <ENTER> key until you have typed in the whole question
(up to 160 characters or two full lines).
Hitting <ENTER> gets you to the first Multiple Choice
answer. Type the selection for the first answer (again a max.
of 160 characters). Continue until you have completed all
four possible answers. Then you will be prompted for the
correct answer (A-D, 1 character).
NOTE: On questions that do not require a multiple choice
response (I.E. Essay Type questions) just hit enter at all
the prompts for selection A-D and the Correct Answer. In this
manner you can mix Multiple Choice and Essay questions re-
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quiring a only write-in response.
When you have completed constructing your Database just
type "DONE" at a Question prompt to terminate the session.
Selecting # 2 on the Main Menu allows you to add questions
to a previously created Database. Just select (selection # 3)
the file you want to add to , if it's not selected already,
and select this option.
Select # 3 will allow you select any Database you have
on the Disk (there is a sample file called SAMPLE for you to
try out supplied with the program).
Selection # 4 will allow you to view or edit a Database
after it has been selected. While viewing the database the
HOME END PGDN & PGUP keys are active. This will allow you to
page forward, backward, to the end, and to the beginning of
the database. Hitting <E> puts you in the edit mode. While in
the edit mode, the previously typed information is displayed
for you inspection, and you'll have a chance to re-type each
selection. Hitting <ENTER> will retain the previously entered
# 5 allows delete any database on disk. You will be shown
a directory of database files before the filename prompt.
# 6 allows you to create a Quiz that is randomly selected
from a previously selected Database. You will be prompted as
to how many questions you want in the quiz. Don't type a num-
ber larger than the number of questions you have in the Data-
A file on disk named "RANDQUIZ.DAT" will be created stor-
ing the Randomly Selected Quiz. This file is like any other
database file only it holds the randomly selected questions
and answers that QUIZGEN has selected. This file can later be
accessed by the accompanying QUIZZER program.
After the Quiz is created you will be returned to the Main
# 7 works like # 4, except you will be viewing the Random-
ly Selected Quiz.
# 8 allows you to print the quiz sheet. You will be
prompted for a Quiz Heading (EX: "ROMAN HISTORY") and a Short
Instruction that will be printed on the top of the Quiz Sheet
prompt you to set the Top-Of-Form and hit <ENTER> the printed
quiz will have 7 questions per sheet.
# 9 will print the answer key to the selected quiz.
<ESC> returns you to DOS
** NOTE: QUIZZER is only available in registered version **
- 3-
QUIZZER is an accompanying program to QUIZGEN. It allows a
student to take an exam created by QUIZGEN.
Files that can be accessed are any of the database files
that you have created for QUIZGEN or the "RANQUIZ.DAT" file
created by QUIZGEN. If you plan to use the "RANDQUIZ.DAT",
just rename it at the DOS level to any appropriate filename
of your choosing (max. 8 characters, no ext.)
To run QUIZZER type QUIZZER at the DOS prompt. After the
welcome screen, you will get:
1. Select Exam
2. Take Exam
3. Review Missed Questions
4. Print Missed Questions
<Esc> Return to DOS
*** No Exam Selected ***
Selection #1 displays the directory of databases and al-
lows the user to select a database for an exam. Being that
some of the databases will be quite large, it is probably ad-
visable to generate some random quiz files, and then rename
them for use as exams.
#2 allows the user to be presented with each randomly se-
lected question and the four possible answers and prompted
for the correct answer. After the answer is input, the user
will be told if the answer was correct and if not, what the
correct answer was, and the missed question placed in a file
on disk called "MISSED.DAT". This file again is in the same
format as any other QUIZGEN file and can be renamed and saved
for re-testing. The process continues until either the data-
base of questions is exhausted or the user type <Q>uit at the
<ENTER> prompt.
He will then be graded based only on the number of ques-
tions completed, not the number in the exam and then returned
to the Main Menu.
#3 allows an on-screen review of questions missed and # 4
allows them to be printed to a hard copy.
** NOTE: CONVERT is only available in registered version **
CONVERT is a utility provided to convert database files
used with older versions of QUIZGEN to the newer random ac-
cess format.
- 4-
Before doing any file convertions make sure to make a
backup copy of your database files in the event something
goes wrong. No guarantees can ever be made that this type of
program is 100 % perfect !!.
To use CONVERT just type CONVERT followed by the filename
of the file to be converted. The new file will be given the
same filename with an extension of ".$$$" to distinguish it
from the source file.
After you have converted all you files, delete the older
source files and rename the new files, deleting the ".$$$"
extension. Then place these newer files in your QUIZGEN sub-
directory or on your working disk.
Database files that are created for use with QUIZGEN and
QUIZZER can be combined together at the DOS prompt using the
DOS COPY command.
Let's say you want to combine four end-of-course database
files into one Final Exam database. Just use the following
at the DOS prompt:
COPY File1 + File2 + File3 + File4 TargetFile
This will combine files 1 thru 4 into combined file Target-
File. TargetFile should be given a QUIZGEN compatible file-
name (max 8 characters, no extension).
Consult your DOS manual for more details.
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